The Importance of Filtered Water

glass of clean water outside

On average, each person in the United States uses between 80-100 gallons of water per day! Making sure that your water is as clean as possible can assure that you are living a healthy life and saving money on various bills.

At Eaton Well & Pump, we are committed to helping you have the best water available. Contact our West Liberty crew today to learn about our water filtration and softener systems, water well drilling, and water pump services. Start using the best and cleanest water available!

Better Tap Water

The recommended daily water intake for adults is about one gallon of water per day. It’s important to make sure the water you are drinking is pure from bacteria and toxins.

Drinking Water Safety

You always need to be careful with the water that you are drinking. When water is pulled from a well, it can have deposits of harmful minerals, chemicals, and toxins. In large enough quantities, these can cause sickness, vomiting, and other side effects. Filtration systems and water softeners make sure to remove hundreds of minor toxins, chemicals, and trace metals from your drinking water so that you are not regularly ingesting them.

Water Taste

Stop drinking cloudy water! In various instances, tap water may be safe to use, but just doesn’t smell, look, or taste good. By utilizing a water filtering system, you can remove lead, chlorine, and left-over bacteria from your everyday water. By improving the purity of your water, you usually improve the smell, look, and taste!

Health Conditions

The leftover bacteria in water can sometimes aggravate existing skin conditions. Heavy metals, harmful chemicals, and others sometimes irritate rashes, eczema, scabs, or skin infections. These can be especially potent in children or adults with sensitive skin.

When drawing your water, it is important to have some kind of water softening and filtration because there may be harmful microorganisms living in the water. These microscopic beings can cause digestive problems and diseases when they are not removed with proper filtration.

Save Money

When using water that is filtered, there are several ways to save money! The first way that is not often considered is saving money on plumbing. By removing heavy metals, minerals, and chemicals from your water, you can avoid some damage to your plumbing and pipes.

Unfiltered water contains minerals that prevent some of the actions in soap. By removing these minerals and metals, the amount of soap that is necessary for use in bathing and dishes can be reduced. By using filtered water, you remove the likelihood of stains forming on clothes, tubs, sinks, and more.

When you have high-quality water in your home, you can stop spending money on bottled water! In the United States, approximately four billion single-use bottles are discarded or recycled every single year. If you are able to safely drink delicious filtered water, you will no longer need to purchase bottled water.

We want to do our best to ensure that you have the best water that you can in West Liberty. Eaton Well & Pump would be thrilled to work with you. Call us today to set up an appointment!